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DRG Masters Warehouse Pad Setup with Trimble Earthworks UTS

Written by SITECH Solutions | Oct 12, 2023 1:55:35 AM
Setting up a pad for a warehouse couldn’t be easier for DRG Contracting now that they have a Trimble Earthworks Universal Total Station (UTS) system installed onto their Cat 150 grader thanks to SITECH Solutions’ Adam Snel.

Trimble Earthworks UTS is a 3D solution for millimetre-accurate fine grading with fewer passes. Contractors can place finished grade materials extremely accurately and in a shorter time period, keeping material costs low and significantly improving productivity.




Trimble Earthworks UTS (Universal Total Station) is a technology system that offers significant benefits. Here are some of the key advantages:

  1. Precision and Accuracy: The Trimble Earthworks UTS system uses GPS and GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System) technology to provide precise and accurate positioning information for the grader. This enables operators to achieve high levels of precision in grading and excavation tasks.

  2. Reduced Grade Stakes: With the Trimble Earthworks UTS system, the need for physical grade stakes is significantly reduced or eliminated. This not only saves time and labor costs but also reduces the potential for errors associated with manual grade staking.

  3. Increased Productivity: Operators can work more efficiently with the assistance of the Earthworks UTS system. They can achieve target grades more quickly, resulting in increased productivity and reduced project timelines.

  4. Improved Quality: The precise grade control provided by the system leads to improved quality of work. The final surface or grade is more accurate, which is especially important for projects requiring tight tolerances.

  5. Reduced Material Costs: Since operators can achieve accurate grades with minimal rework, there is a reduction in material waste, leading to cost savings.

  6. Enhanced Safety: The system can help improve safety by providing real-time information to the operator, allowing them to avoid potential hazards and obstacles on the construction site.

  7. Ease of Use: Trimble Earthworks UTS is known for its user-friendly interface. Operators can quickly learn how to use the system, and this ease of use can lead to a faster return on investment.

  8. Data Logging and Reporting: The system typically records a wealth of data related to the grading operation. This data can be used for quality control, project tracking, and reporting, which can be valuable for both the contractor and the client.

  9. Compatibility: The Trimble Earthworks UTS system is often compatible with various grading and excavation equipment, including graders, dozers, and excavators, making it versatile for different types of construction projects.

  10. Environmental Benefits: By reducing the need for rework and material waste, the system contributes to environmental sustainability by minimizing the impact of construction activities.

In summary, the Trimble Earthworks UTS system offers increased precision, efficiency, and cost savings for grading operations, ultimately improving the quality of the final product. It has become a valuable tool for the construction industry, especially on projects that require precise grading and excavation work.

About DRG Contracting

Established in 2015, DRG Contracting is an established earthmoving company with operations covering all aspects of earthworks for developments and civil engineering projects throughout NSW.

For more information about how our construction technology can help your business, contact us today.